Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Stitch from Stash - July

Happy to report that July has been a penny-free stitching-spending month for me.  I have been so focused on stitching on my son and his fiancée's wedding sampler, I haven't been too tempted to buy anything new.  I have a feeling that this frugal wave will end once the final stitch has been placed in the gift.  I tend to be a one project at a time stitcher, but I have to say, it's starting to get to me.  I keep feeling like I'm stitching the exact same stitch over and over and over again...   Grrr......
Here's where the sampler stands now....

I think 2016 will see me mixing things  up stitching-wise.  Somehow, Lord willing and the creek don't rise, I am determined to start some sort of a rotation-system.  I am SO open to hearing any suggestions as to how you deal with rotating/not rotating your projects.  Also, do tend to spend monthly on lots of little projects or do you save up for a few months and the. Go slap-happy with your spending? I have finally convinced all my nearest and dearest that the absolute best gift for me is stitching money.  Thanks to their generosity, I have a tidy little nest egg set aside.  I can't  wait to start spending (hopefully wisely!) when the right project (or 2 or 3!  Lol) pops up and I "gotta" have "it" or "them".
What are some of your "gotta have it" projects?
(Oh and I'm still collecting some goodies for my give-a-way.  I'll try to have it ready to go around the middle of August!  Stay tuned!)

Hugs and Grace,