Thursday, January 07, 2010

How much is that doggy in the basket?

Thought I'd post a pic of Tea-Tsu hanging out in our Christmas "book basket".  She just hopped  right in and called it her own.  Come to think of it,  she calls most everything around here, "her" own!  LOL



Monday, January 04, 2010

Happy Home Sampler Progress....

This is a progress shot of my "carry-over" project from '09.  I'm going to be working on this AND adding in some new projects for 2010.  I can't wait to see what stitches the new year brings...  :)


Happy "Flu" Year...

Yup, let the coughing and sneezing begin...  :(   

We have a white board on our door that leads from our laundry room into our garage.  Usually, one of us will grab the marker and write family "I love you's", favorite scriptures, holiday messages or quotes on the board.  It's been so fun to try to "sneak" the messages when no one is looking...and even more fun to find messages that someone else has written.  Ian's message today was to erase the "Happy New Year" message and change it to "Happy Flu Year".   I sure do love that not-so-little guy.  He keeps me laughing even when it's the LAST thing I feel like doing.
Ugh - bring on the tea with honey and lemon - I'm off to sneeze and stitch, and sneeze and stitch and...well, you get the idea.

Stay healthy!
