Friday, June 26, 2015

Making some progress...and proof I'm a goofball!

Thanks to a couple of rainy days in Florida, I've had some unplanned extra stitching time.  (Don't you love when that happens?). I really like this wedding sampler and the colors, so it's a fun stitch.
Now for the "I'm such a doofus" part of this post.  See that wonderful little scissor holder that I bought on my visit to Shepherds Bush?  It's fantastic and I love it!  Except......  I keep forgetting that I have it.  I flip my work over to snip my thread and I actually spend a nano-second wondering what I did with my scissors!  And then I remember....  Duh.......
I am so used to dropping my scissors in between the cushions or having them fall to the floor that I forget that I have the nifty new gadget.  Once I get used to my little sheep holder, it's going to be "da bomb"!!!   Lol.  Happy Stitching!!

Hugs and Grace,

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Stitch from Stash - June

I'm really happy to report that I have successfully been able to avoid all temptation of the stitchy type for the month.  I have been hard at work (or hardly working, on some days, lol)  on the wedding sampler for son #5 and his beautiful bride-to-be.  I really would like to get that finished over the next couple of months because I'd LOVE to start some Christmas stitching.  (From my stash, of course!).

I haven't forgotten about my give-away. I'm thinking of another give-away of "my favorites" which is just an odd assortment of non-stitchy type things that I love.  I LOVE Florida, so a lot of my "favorites" are tied to the "Sunshine State".    Hopefully, I'll be ready to get my give-away up and running in August!  I'll keep you posted.

I hope each of you are well and are enjoying a blessed summer!

Hugs and Grace,

Sunday, June 07, 2015

12 and a Baby!

We were so blessed to meet with family last month.  Somehow, we managed (with not "too much" fighting - lol) to pull together 6 sons, 3 wives, a fiancé, hubby and I and a grandbaby (!) and got them all in one place for pictures!  Whoo hoo!!

These are the boys that melt my heart... Yes, I've noticed that they're all grown men now - but they will forever and always, be my "boys".  I should've made sure that my hubby was in this photo too, but he was the camera guy, plus it was pretty much "uncontrolled chaos" by this point in the day!

This is the whole family, including all the girls who keep my guys happy.  I have been VERY blessed to have wonderful "daughters-in-love"  My guys have GREAT taste.  (Again, hubby isn't pictured.  Sorry, honey!)
Yea, my hubby FINALLY made it into a photo!!!  He's amazing and very much a "keeper!"

Now for some stitching-related pictures!  I just HAD to take a little side-trip to the heavenly shop that is Shepherd's Bush!

I knew it was going to be amazing but it turned out to be AMAZING!!!!!

That's it for the pictures of Shepherds bush, I was just too excited to get busy shopping!  The shop had so much stitchy goodness.  I'd love to be able to name my favorite section, but there was just too much that I loved to just pick one....

I  had to put in this picture of the "and a baby", our grandson, Jackson!!    So hard to believe how fast he is growing.  It was so much fun getting to spoil him and spend precious days with him.  He's our all-time favorite Atlanta Braves fan!

That's it for the boring family photo's, although you might see one or two (or 12 and a baby!) of my nearest and dearest pictured in my next post of the more "touristy" stops that we made.

Hugs and Grace,